The Foundation for Amherst Education is a volunteer organization dedicated to enriching the educational experiences in the Amherst School District through raising and managing funds to enhance the educational facilities for its students. Our organization is committed to making a positive impact on the educational landscape by providing essential resources and support to the students and educators in our community. We strive to create innovative learning environments and ensure that every student has the opportunity to thrive and succeed.

Our Mission

We believe in the power of education to transform lives, uplift communities, and shape a brighter future for the next generation.

TFAE has registered with the Corporation Division of the NH Department of State, the NH Department of Justice Charitable Trust Unit, and has submitted for 501c3 tax exempt status with the IRS.

Our Board

  • Chair: Christine Grayson

  • Vice Chair: Anne Baird

  • Treasure: Victoria Parisi

  • Secretary: Meagan Comstock

  • Member-At-Large: Brian Coogan

  • Member-At-Large: Porter Dodge

  • Member-At-Large: Michele Koltookian